Today is a turning point. I made love with my boyfriend, but this is not the turning point, we have made love many times even before, the turning point lies in the fact that we have not only made love but we have also talked very seriously about the future, about his future, which in a sense is also mine. I say he is my boyfriend, but in reality he is not a boy but a man who always amazes me and is the most important person in my life. We are not a couple in the classic sense of the word, but in our way we love each other, he has a life of his own, which I respect, even with other people but we have known each other thoroughly for years now and we know we can count on each other. The more time passes the more he allows me to enter his life. Today I can say that there has been an evolution in our relationship. At the beginning but even in the first years I was not sure that things would take this path, I hoped and thought it but there was no security, then slowly things became more and more complex. Both he and I we have been offered interesting but also very uncertain work opportunities  and we had to face very stressful situations because of concern about work and health and we both grew up. Probably these things made us rediscover the meaning of being in two, of not being alone in the face of difficulties. Before we were very centered on ourselves and on our psychological problems, then we were absorbed by work and health problems and we learned not to be demolished by difficulties. In certain periods I have really suffered, because he tried to keep me out of his worries so as not to burden me with part of his problems and prevented me from venting to him, so as not to be overwhelmed by my problems himself. Basically it was a sensible attitude, because neither I could solve his problems nor he could solve mine. When we met it was all about sex and only that, as if everything else had been removed, and that made me uncomfortable. Then slowly things changed, we both entered adult life, with all its complications and gradually we tried to find a balance, both between us and with respect to the needs and problems of work. I was wondering what feelings and what fears he carried inside and slowly he began to open up also from that point of view, he had more patience with me, he no longer got angry and no longer kept me at a distance. Sex between us has also changed meaning, it has become something less standard, less technical, we have found our balance without forcing of any kind, I see him at ease, before, during and after, something that months ago didn’t happen at all. I think we have now found a balance as adult men, which is quite another thing, the psychological problems have almost completely vanished. We both have health problems that are not small and problems related to the precariousness of work and we must make choices that could affect our lives. He could go to work abroad for a few years but I see that he doesn’t like the idea of a total emotional uprooting in the name of work, he has to make important choices and unfortunately he has to make them in the dark. He told me that a friend of his moved abroad and his girlfriend followed him and I don’t think he told me it by chance, in my opinion it was a kind of half invitation to do the same. I have been saving money for three years to set aside a sum that allows me to follow him abroad. My job is less qualified than his and I would have no big problems following him because I think I would also find work abroad without too much difficulty. I’m not his whole emotional life but I think I’m at least a relatively important element of stability. I really dream of a life with him, I don’t know how possible it is, but I wouldn’t like to be with anyone else, I have never even had the fantasy of putting myself with another man, because he, in his own way, of course, is always there for me. I don’t even know if I would prefer a classic coexistence. I’m not upset by the idea that he can also be well with other people, the relationship we have now has lasted for years and is becoming more and more serious. In fact, there is really a deep contact between us at all levels. At first I thought that time would wear out our relationship but exactly the opposite happened, I had a lot more doubts before than now. Now I have definitively put aside the idea that our story can end and over time our relationship has consolidated. I realize that he too sees that things have changed and have changed for the better. Now, if I see him worried, we’ll talk about it, it’s true that in the end I don’t know what to tell him anyway, that is, I don’t know how to give him concrete advice because I don’t know his working world. I still have some fear to tell him directly that I would be willing to follow him everywhere. I was close to him when he was really in terrible conditions and he trusted me and I saw him climb the slope step by step and every step he took was also my happiness and this both in health and in work. For me, the fact that he succeeds in making his dreams come true is more important than the fact that I succeed, because I consider him a part of me. And if my life makes sense, it’s because he has never disappeared, he has never been aggressive with me. Maybe he would have wanted me to be different from how I am, less anxious and more operational, but then he took me as I am and when I was in a crisis with him, he prevented me from going my own way, put his pride aside and got me made it clear that he loved me like no one ever did. He is not the man of compliments and nice words, he speaks little, he is very disenchanted, he would never tell me that he has faith in me, he has come to tell me that he loves me but only as a reply to my identical affirmation towards him, I cannot hope that he will take an initiative of this kind, he uses his cell phone very little and doesn’t use text messages at all, if he wants to be present he comes in person and never warns before. When we are together I see him very involved. Years ago I thought that sooner or later he would get tired of me, but nothing similar ever happened. My trust in him has increased a lot over the years, now I think he is able to make his choices in a very conscious way and I think that my presence, in those things, is only a marginal argument, I serve, if ever, to give him courage to encourage him to try. When he is too lonely he tends to get depressed and feel like a man who is not worth much. When he is with me he tends to curb my enthusiasm and to emphasize that the problems are many and the certainties very few, but he listens to me. He knows that I think he is a serious and honest man, and in recent months when we have been together we have been really good and above all we have spent more time together, we have talked a lot and very seriously. Before when he came to me I felt a little embarrassed, now it doesn’t happen anymore, it seems to me a normal and consolidated reality of my life and I see him perfectly at ease. For me it is a huge satisfaction, it is not a real coexistence but it is the best possible coexistence. I often think I was lucky, I think I could never have found something better, I really think so and he knows it, maybe this is the very basis of our relationship, we started with sex and at first it seemed like we would only limit ourselves to that. Then little by little we got used to the presence of each other, between us we always diminished the meaning of our relationship in words, we kept the level of expectations low but we realized every time that the substance went well beyond the stated limits. Of course he has always felt free, he would never have accepted any bond, but in the end I felt him always present, more or less neurotic, more or less anxious, but he was there. I knew that every eight or ten days I would see him again even though we never made an appointment for the next time. I knew that he could make a mistake in approaching me, that the evening could end with a dark moment of his, and it happened, but I knew that eight or ten days later I would see him again, that the storm would pass without a trace or rather taking away a lot of melancholy. When I was young and thought about what it could mean to have a boyfriend, I imagined something completely different, much less complicated but also much more trivial. The fact that he didn’t let me go, that is, he didn’t allow me to destroy everything for more or less stupid claims of principle, that he never abandoned me to my fate, as everyone I had known before him did, was of enormous value to me. I felt stronger because I was close to a real man, who had made his choices, one who wouldn’t have left me to myself. You know that he is there, he has been there for years and will continue to be there. Speaking with my friends I realize that they don’t understand me, that they consider me a weak incurably romantic, a kind of Pierrot in love with the Moon, they don’t understand that he really is there, it is his physical presence with very few words that succeeds to make me happy. I can’t make him happy in the same way, but when he is with me he feels protected, he knows he is loved, you can see it in his eyes and I don’t need anything else.


If you want, you can participate in the discussion on this post open on the Gay Project Forum:



This post aims to present some thoughts on forcing in gay relationships. By limiting the discussion to internal forcing of the relationship, I will therefore disregard the intervention of third parties.


“Nobody comes virgin” at the time of trying to build a relationship. By this I’m not referring only or specifically to sexual relations, but to the fact that each one carries with him the legacy of the previous experience, with its load of myths, frustrations and unfulfilled dreams and therefore with a greater or lesser predisposition to create an emotional relationship.

Entering into a relationship means in any case starting a path whose conclusion, a priori, is unpredictable. Many young people try to acquire elements to strengthen their decision by seeking information on their possible partner or seeking reassurance from their possible partner himself, but the predictability and therefore the programmability of an emotional relationship remains anyhow, as a rule, minimal. An emotional relationship is not a game of chess that is played “against” one’s partner in order to win him over and which can be won or lost depending on whether the right or wrong moves are made. An emotional relationship aims to overcome individualism in order to gain a unity of purpose that allows us to face a phase of life “together”.

It is not possible to enter a relationship “conditionally”, setting conditions already means not accepting the other for what he is, putting him “a priori” some stakes and limits to be respected.

Entering into a relationship means accepting the idea that you have to start building in two and starting from scratch, that is, that every form of individualism, every attempt to prevail and to be right must be put aside to start a journey in two.

Entering a relationship with too high expectations means setting yourself up for failure. The ideas of total involvement, of 100% satisfaction, of “all or nothing”, are the main enemies of emotional relationships, which can very well be serious and important and at the same time partial and limited, non-exclusive and non-totalizing. This does not mean that we cannot aspire to improve the relationship over time, but that the improvement will have to be built in two and may require a long process and in any case will not have a guaranteed outcome.

Entering into a relationship means putting aside any judgmental attitude, something that is easy only in words and goes far beyond not pronouncing judgments. In order not to pronounce judgments it is enough to keep the tongue in check, in order not to judge one needs an attitude of substantial humility, a very rare virtue. Not judging involves a profound respect for the other and the recognition of a common nature beyond any diversity. In this sense, not judging involves putting aside the concept of guilt. When a relationship doesn’t start or ends it’s no one’s fault. False, aggressive and abusive attitudes are forms of lack of control that we perceive when they are manifested externally and that we consider guilty in themselves, if considered in the narrow context of the relationship, but such attitudes always find a motivation in the experience of the other who reacts to similar false, aggressive and abusive attitudes towards him. Those who really want to enter into an emotional relationship must understand that they must not forgive anything, but must only accept, because forgiving means first of all judging, that is, feeling in a role that radically violates the equality that is the condition of any true emotional relationship.

Entering into a relationship means accepting that the other can retains his privacy. Asking 100% sincerity means running back into that 100% that is the enemy of emotional relationships. The tendency to know at all costs the past of our possible partner actually hides a judgmental attitude that is a sign of emotional dryness and often also a form of insecurity deriving from lack of trust in our partner. Perfect sincerity is not an a priori requirement of affective relationships or even specifically of couple life, but it is an achievement and presupposes a deep trust in the other, which is never a priori taken for granted but is built day by day.

Falling in love does not mean looking for something for oneself, but unconditionally trying to do something positive for the other, hoping that at least partial reciprocity will result.

Possessive loves are not loves but forms of narcissism that tend not to understanding but to control the other. Trust in the other does not consist in believing that the other will be faithful, will cultivate an exclusive relationship, will not have other sympathies or other loves, but in believing that the other will do what “according to him” must be done in every situation, that is, that the other, in conditions of moral freedom, can choose what he thinks is the best. Attitudes resulting in an “aut aut”, “or you accept my conditions or everything is over between us”, are completely incompatible with an emotional relationship even at minimal levels.

In a “true” emotional relationship, misunderstandings are an integral part of the relationship, when they are overcome the relationship is consolidated, when they are radicalized the relationship becomes a competition between rivals who want to prevail anyway. Cultivating a serious emotional relationship requires time and availability, which means that to cultivate an emotional relationship “it may” be necessary to sacrifice other things. An emotional relationship involves a choice because time is in any case limited. Those who do not want to make choices but only want to add an emotional relationship to their many daily commitments are like those who want to cultivate a huge garden full of plants and, in summer, cannot water them all, with the result that some inevitably dry up. In an emotional relationship there are no due behaviors, it is not necessary to manage the economic resources together, it is not necessary to have all the friends in common and everyone can very well keep their own, it is not necessary to know or be accepted by the family of their partner. Requesting such things means that you do not aim to cultivate a relationship with that guy, but to cultivate it “in a visible way” or “as long as the economic resources are managed together” or with other more or less restrictive conditions. An emotional relationship is a relationship between two people whose meaning should not be conditioned by external factors of any kind.

In an emotional relationship between two gays, one publicly declared and one not, objective difficulties can be created because, in this case, behaviors prior to the couple relationship, such as the generalized coming out of the declared guy, effectively prevent the undeclared partner from maintain his privacy and this represents an objective and not surmountable forcing, because it pre-exists the relationship. 

There is also another kind, much lighter, of forcing, which very often one does not even realizes and it is the forcing towards behaviors with a greater emotional content, for example inducing one’s partner to exchange gifts, even inexpensive ones or text messages with emotional content. It’s one thing to text your partner lovingly and it’s a very different thing to expect him to do the same. It should never be forgotten that affectivity is learned above all in a family environment and that behaviors that look normal to some may appear absolutely strange to others, simply because they have never seen them applied in practice. Affection is also learned in the life of a couple.

Generally, couple partners who love each other, even if they start from very distant positions, slowly converge towards a common equilibrium point, and with the passing of months and years they end up assuming very similar mental attitudes and ways of reacting, but all this obviously takes time and can only be achieved in a serious and genuinely gratifying emotional environment.

An emotional relationship, at any level, exists only to the extent that it is reciprocal. The absence of reciprocity is not a sign of a pathology of the relationship but of its non-existence. An emotional relationship cannot be one-sided. It is not easy to distinguish between a weak affective response and a non-existent response, because reciprocity is not manifested through words, on the contrary, the absence of reciprocity is often hidden behind words and even behind behaviors that seem to indicate true involvement and an important affective response. 

Often our desires generate fantastic projections that overlap with real situations and modify the perception of facts favoring their interpretation according to our desires, in this way we see what we want to see, we lose contact with reality and we get to not seeing what would be evident in the absence of projective mechanisms. In this way we end up carrying on even for years relationships whose existence is entirely internal to our brain and has nothing to do with reality.


It is too often taken for granted that between two gay guys, in the context of an emotional relationship, sexuality does not present any problem and comes by itself as the most spontaneous and natural thing, but experience does not confirm these assumptions. If on the one hand it is true that in the gay world occasional relationships are a common thing (beware of sexually transmitted diseases!) It is equally true that “in the context of a serious emotional relationship” the conquest of a spontaneous and uninhibited sexuality is anything but obvious. 

Sexual experiences inevitably tend to validate certain patterns of behavior, which end up becoming habitual and are in fact the code of behavior followed automatically when you are not in conditions of deep emotional involvement: “I have always done this and therefore also this time I do this.” Sex lived on an occasional basis with different partners, who you’ll never meet again, favors this simple pattern of behavior, a bit like it happened in sex with prostitutes. On the other hand, when one finds oneself involved in a serious emotional relationship, totally different categories of thought take over, because in this case there is also the fear of compromising the emotional relationship and one is much more cautious in behavior. In practice, the “problem” of sex arises, of when to do it, of how much to do it, of proceeding step by step or forging ahead, of what to do, all this because there is the concern that that sexual involvement, which is anyhow fundamental, may appear excessive or on the contrary too fragile to our partner. Somehow there is a fear of being judged. In such situations it is common to find a true block of communication, in the sense that the topic is taken for granted or considered as not explicitly addressable and the embarrassment increases, and this risks undermining the whole relationship. 

Within a couple, it never hurts to talk explicitly about sex as well. Not only is it not a taboo subject, but it is a way to overcome embarrassment and open a less filtered communication. It must be borne in mind that in sexual matters the variability of fantasies and points of view is extreme and so is the variability of previous experiences and subjective interpretations of those experiences. In no thing as in sexuality is it appropriate to refrain from judging and considering one’s own behavior or all of one’s fantasies as the absolute yardstick for measuring the behavior of others. Listening and speaking honestly creates an atmosphere of confidence and mutual trust. Reciprocity is a necessary requirement of this type of dialogue, which must be a dialogue between equals, if this does not happen the level of dialogue inevitably collapses and one or both of the partners feel judged.

It must be borne in mind that while talking about sexuality in general is certainly easy, talking about our sexuality with our partner with whom there is an emotional relationship is often very difficult, at least in serious terms. The risk of trivializing the conversation moving it away from becoming a tool for building a couple relationship is very real.

Building a relationship both on an emotional and sexual level is not easy, it takes time, you need to get to know each other thoroughly. Haste is one of the main reasons for failure.

Being in a hurry can mean not being able to understand the needs and times of the other and often it is precisely because of the haste that one is induced to “forcing” in sexual matters. These are not constraints, which would be real forms of violence, but techniques aimed at bringing the relationship “almost to the breaking point”. Forcing the partner, considered from the point of view of those who put them into being, are not experienced as forcing, but as forms of insistence, of interest in the other and at the limit of love, that is, as ways to bring the other to express quickly the maximum of his potential. But this assessment is totally one-sided. The realization of couple’s sexual harmony certainly does not consist in the fact that one of the partners yields to the insistence of the other but in the fact that a balance is reached between the two. Forcing consists in asking the other to make the maximum effort to adapt, believing that we are exempt from doing what would be up to us. 

When the result of a forcing leads to the fact that one of the two partners gives completely space to the other, the one who has obtained what he wanted feels gratified and satisfied and does not realize that the relationship is clearly weakened because his partner he feels neglected and, albeit good-naturedly, forced to yield.

A fundamental case of forcing occurs when, breaking a tradition of “protected” intercourses, one of the two partners demands that the other accepts having sex without protection by “blindly trusting” his partner. This is an extremely delicate issue because here it is not a question of making an effort of psychological adjustment but of concretely exposing a guy to a risk that can be very serious. This type of forcing, it must be said very clearly, is not tolerable in any way and can put the weak element of the couple in situations of extreme difficulty, here we are talking about true emotional blackmail of the worst kind, a kind of test of strength, which in addition to exposing people to serious health risks is a real form of abuse that must be opposed putting apart any doubt or swing. In a true love relationship, the other must never be put at risk, for any reason. 

Given the above, true “forcing” that is the forcing that can also be rejected and that, if rejected, doesn’t involve the end of the relationship but only its redefinition, can also be tolerated if they are episodic and reciprocal, because they can become a kind of characteristic of the relationship. In these cases, it is a question of relative forcing that ends up no longer stressful and that is usually interrupted well before the breaking point of the relationship is reached.

Those who experience or rather undergo real forcing inevitably change their point of view towards their partners and end up harboring feelings of revenge and often do not manifest them until these feelings become explosive and the element that appeared weak ends up presenting the bill to his partner. who absolutely does not expect it. 

True forcing is always a pathological aspect of emotional life. It should be emphasized, however, that often, those who suffer because of these behaviors don’t wonder about their origin but limit themselves to judging them negatively. In this sense, the so-called weak element of the couple indulges in judgments that can be misleading.

Highly imperative individuals often do not even realize that their behavior can have consequences. In the pact of mutual clarity within the couple it is implicit that the partner who realizes the weaknesses of the other (even hidden behind the appearance of strong gestures) must speak with him, helping him to overcome his problems in the perspective of a clear dialogue. By this I mean that in the face of forcing, in general, the best way to go is neither that of condemning it without reserve nor that of passively adapting, dialogue is always the main way and must be attempted in any case, because it often leads to positive results. Taking indisputable and rigid positions can only lead to further deterioration of the relationship. 

It should be emphasized that forcing can be at the limit acceptable and not counterproductive when it aims at overcoming the conditions of embarrassment, but unfortunately there are frequent forcing that, knowingly or not, are aiming to modify or remodel the sexuality of the other by inducing (forcing) him out of complacency to accept sexual practices that are not pleasing to him. On this point we must be very clear: any attempt to forcibly change the preferences, attitudes, fantasies or sexual behaviors of another individual constitutes a form of violence and is inevitably doomed to failure. Thinking of modifying a person’s sexuality by inducing behaviors that are not spontaneous for that person means behaving like those who intend to transform gays into straight people through reparative therapies.

The techniques used to put into practice the forcing deserve a separate mention, such techniques are obviously related to the degree of forcing and to the attitudes assumed by the partners in the couple. 

1) Playful insistence, alternating with a smile, amusing jokes and gestures of physical confidence such as disheveling your partner’s hair, giving him a light push, wink at him or simply look him straight in the face with a smile. Obviously this mode accompanies the slight forcing that at the limit is not even forcing and implies that you can very well resist the forcing assuming for granted that there will be no consequence. 

2) Forcing proposed within a “serious” moment. This modality in itself arouses anxiety and forces the other to an explicit response, aims to reach a quasi-juridical agreement, placing the relationship on a formal level made up of pacts and obligations, which are obviously incompatible with a purely affective dimension. 

3) Forcing proposed as an ultimatum. This modality already has the requisites of violence, it is accompanied by a high tone of voice and by facial attitudes that aim to be as explicit as possible and to underline that any non-acceptance of forcing will not remain without consequences. These bosses’ attitudes are intolerable and trying to save a couple’s life anyway means in these cases explicitly accepting a relationship of dependence whose limits are a priori unpredictable. 

Forcing “for retaliation” deserves particular attention, that is, reacting to a wrong that has been suffered or that you believe to have suffered by responding blow for blow. In this case, the legal category of “provocation” is invoked to justify an aggressive behavior that has a substantially vindictive purpose, that is, it aims to settle the score by applying the old rule of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Retaliation may be partially justifiable if it is short and is not substantially punitive. Otherwise it is a strong sign of crisis in the relationship. 

The forcing in the sexual sphere that is perceived by far as the most violent consists in placing drastic constraints on the freedom of the other who intends to interrupt the relationship. This type of forcing, which is an overt violence, could be defined as “possessive violence”. When one of the two partners perceives the relationship as unbearable and decides to interrupt it, the other hinders him in every way in the realization of his purpose, with more or less veiled threats of retaliation boasting on his partner a true right of possession, it is a question of a radical exploitation of one of the two partners by the other. These behaviors are highly anxious for the weak partner and keep him in a situation of strong and prolonged stress over time, substantially depriving him of his freedom. These behaviors can lead to real crimes that can be punishable by law. The examples, in the hetero field, are unfortunately on the agenda and can go as far as femicide. In the gay field, episodes of that brutality are very rare but possessive violence and forcing still are nowadays not very rare phenomena. 

The most aggressive and devastating forms of forcing take place in the context of cohabitation in conditions of substantial economic asymmetry, because in these cases the forcing is amplified by the substantial impossibility of one of the two partners to interrupt the cohabitation even when he feels its weight as  an unbearable load. Coexistence in situations of economic asymmetry may seem like a way to solve pressing economic problems but it risks, in the long run, turning into a trap from which it is very difficult to escape. 

The only way to avoid oppressive forcing is to have an economic independence that allows “in any case” to avoid forced coexistence.


If you want, you can participate in the discussion on this post open on the Gay Project Forum:



Hi Project,
in recent months we have heard several times and I must acknowledge you a credit, you don’t give advice just to say something, if you don’t know what to say, you just listen and try to understand. You know my story at least roughly. My boyfriend, or rather the guy I consider my boyfriend, even if he doesn’t consider himself my boyfriend at all, he frequents (that is, he also has sex with) other guys and I knew this from the beginning, but anyhow, between ups and downs, and being very attentive to prevention, because it’s always necessary to keep prudent with health, a relationship has been created between us that, with all its defects, has been going on for years. Basically, I ended up accepting that he needs also others, for years this was the problem, then slowly this problem lost importance.

He is like this: you must choose whether take him or let him go and I decided I didn’t want to lose him and frankly I didn’t regret it. The sexual understanding between us is total, I must say that it had never happened to me to experience such levels of involvement with anyone. Lately we haven’t heard from each other for a long time, due to work and covid motivations, then we both managed to get the vaccine, two weeks later he comes to me, when I really didn’t expect him (he always behaves this way, he doesn’t love dating).

I see him hesitant, usually our contacts start from the immediate sex, but this time it seemed very different, to which I wonder what happened and since I don’t know how to find an answer I try to keep a low profile and mutual embarrassment grows, basically he thinks that I keep myself detached for some reason, as if something has collapsed between us, then he sits down on the sofa, I sit in an armchair and not next to him, he claps his hand on the sofa cushion and says to me: “Come closer”, I go and sit next to him and he tries a sexual approach, finds a positive response and from there we begin to have sex.

I had the very distinct impression that having sex was of the utmost importance to him at the time. Between us on a sexual level there has never been the slightest embarrassment and so there hasn’t been this time either. The participation was very intense, in the end he told me: I really needed it. I thought that sex had pulled him out of melancholy, but no! Afterwards he had a very serious face, he told me that he has big work problems, that he fears that his contract will not be renewed and that he may end up unemployed in the short term and that he doesn’t know what to do to try to parry such a blow.

Finding a stable job is difficult, and working with precarious contracts means never having a minimum of security for the future. He has sent his curriculum vitae to various companies, among other things he is a graduate technician who deals with “… omissis…”, so, at least in theory, he shouldn’t have work problems. He has had interviews but they offer him contracts of a lower level than his current one. In short, this type of problem now affects him a lot.

A few years ago, when he was still studying, he was always happy, he joked, laughed, he did all sorts of things but in a goliardic way, now it seems like another person, he doesn’t laugh anymore, he tends to get depressed, he’s afraid of the future. I don’t think his problems are related to the emotional world because he, in one way or another, has achieved an emotional balance that, if you consider it from the outside it seems strange but I think that from his point of view it is substantially acceptable, or at least now he has accepted it as his normality.

I tell you, Project, I’m a little older than him and luckily for me I have a stable job and a lot of questions have come to my head, because if he were to really lose his job, for him it would be a disaster, he should go back to living in the house of his parents, who all in all love him, but for him, losing his apartment and losing economic autonomy would be truly destructive. I would do anything for him, but I’m afraid he would take it badly. He would never come to stay at my house, it wouldn’t be like being with his parents but it would still be a very strong limitation of freedom for him, in practice he would feel forced into a coexistence that he never wanted and then there would be the fact that people would begin to ask themselves too many questions and he would feel labeled. I can tell you that I’m really worried.

Among other things, he’s not naive and if he has the feeling that his contract will not be renewed, he certainly has his good reasons. He thinks that there will be a downsizing of staff and it will be a drastic downsizing and that they will proceed on the basis of length of service and therefore he will end up in the middle anyway. The idea that he could end up out of work  upsets me. Sex can somehow be a temporary remedy for job loss depression, but just finding a permanent job would really solve the problem. I tried to tell him that with a qualification and with an experience like his the possibility of being unemployed is minimal, but he was very skeptical on the point and he said to me: you say this, but I see very different facts every day.

I see him dark in the face and worried, when we are in bed together he gets distracted, it is as if his brain enters a happy pause in which he feels safe, but it doesn’t last long because the malaise is profound and the dialogue between us on these things is risky and all uphill. It may seem absurd that with a guy with whom you have a very strong sexual understanding you cannot talk about work, yet it is so, because he has his certainties on a sexual level, and nobody takes it out of my head that when he came to my house at the sudden, he did it, consciously or unconsciously, to test me, that is, precisely to verify if those certainties were truly certainties, when instead it comes to work, precariousness and instability work under trace and can put him in crisis.

I wonder why he came to me and didn’t go to some of the guys he dates. In fact, I have the answer, he knew I would never tell him no. Frankly, seeing him so dejected hurts me, because he is a very good person, we have had and still have misunderstandings but I think there is a profound mutual respect. Sometimes I think that when you share sexual intimacy at these levels, you actually share something spiritual too, because you have to totally trust your partner to be totally yourself in front of him, and this happens between us and I don’t know how much the same thing can happen to him with other people.

We don’t have sex for fun, it is a profound need, it is the desire to obtain yet another confirmation that we love each other, that despite all the misunderstandings and all the problems we are there for each other, that we are a kind of safe haven for each other. Now in my room and on my bed there is still a trace of his perfume and to think that by being with me he managed to detach himself from his worries at least for a while makes me proud, at least for a while he felt the feeling that life isn’t all a crap that can collapse on you at any moment.

At one point he also spoke of his house, that is, the apartment where he lives alone, and he spoke of it with tenderness as of the place where he can truly rest, where he can feel really good and this made me think that he is really terrified of losing that house and having to return with his parents. Since he left, my brain has been in turmoil, I wonder how I should deal with him when we get out of the field of sex. Have I to try to talk to him seriously? But I would stress him worse because the thought of losing his job is enough to lose that little bit of serenity he had found. Avoid the topic so as not to stress him?

Well, I think that it is objectively stressful for him to be with me because when the moments of strong sexual involvement are over, we end up talking about something else and the closer we get to those other topics the more his impatience grows and also his tendency to change the subject and run away, up to say abruptly hello and go away. I see so much melancholy in his eyes, once there was melancholy because his emotional life wasn’t satisfactory now at least within certain limits it is and that melancholy gives way to another melancholy, that of not fulfilling oneself in work and in the conquest a stable autonomy.

When I see him out of sorts I wonder why it has to happen to him and not to me and I feel like someone the one who has won the job lottery and who is now not afraid of losing his job and I don’t know how to behave, because these are damn serious problems, they are not psychological problems but economic problems that can affect life in a very heavy way. I’m afraid he’ll may see me as the lucky guy who has job security and only makes good speeches to someone who doesn’t have that security. I fear these things could dig a kind of abyss between us that divides stability from precariousness.

I, personally, have not experienced periods of unemployment but I can imagine how destructive it can be. I think I will avoid talking to him about these topics, which are basically the ones that now anguish him the most. He still has a few months before the contract expires and will try to do everything possible but, from what little he says, he is looking bad and the prospects are not at all rosy. I also see from another thing that he’s going through a difficult period.

When we had sex yesterday (this is the expression he uses) he was not totally focused on sex, he felt in a protected situation, he felt safe, sometimes there were moments of pause and he lay with his eyes closed, almost to enjoy those few minutes of tranquility. They were minutes of silence but also of profound communication, you could see that in those moments the worries were far away. He behaved totally free and at least partly different from usual. I knew that I didn’t have to interrupt those moments of silence, that I didn’t have to speak, that I had to lie down beside him and that I had to shake his hand.

It has always amazed me that we understand each other about these things even without talking. Sometimes going to bed with a guy is really a kind of refuge from the pains of life, a return to a dimension of immediacy, of warmth, of sharing without reservations, in which one is 100% accepted for who he is. You see, Project, when I ask myself why I stay with him despite everything, in the end I find the answer: he speaks little but we love each other, we are also afraid to say it because we are afraid that this happiness is fragile but nevertheless the years pass and we are still here.


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Hi Project,

I’ve been reading the forum for a few years now, it’s a bit like browsing other people’s private lives and it helps to understand that we are not unique, but that basically many experiences that seem unique to us are actually very common. I have found stories of more or less declared falls in love, stories of very complicated relationships, of unexpected fish out, but I have never found a story that was similar to mine in the ending. I think that my story has nothing exceptional and is indeed a common thing, but the ending of the stories is never talked about, and instead I would like to talk about it. 

I completely skip the premises and most of the development and go straight to the point. After years of long-distance relationship with a guy, and therefore after years of traveling, jealousies, misunderstandings, back and forth, I arrived, but I could say we came to the idea that we both got bored and didn’t have the courage to tell us the truth, because by now the habits were very consolidated and we took everything for granted. 

At the end of January, I made the decision to close a shack that was collapsing on all sides. If I had told him what I had in mind the arguments would have started, he would have blamed me, etc. etc., as had happened other times, and so I was silent, I did not say anything, I simply drastically reduced the calls, which by now had become a meaningless duty, we began to not hear each other anymore or almost. He probably expected something similar and things ended like a flame that goes out and in the end we are left with only the ash. 

This final breaking up process took a couple of months. We haven’t heard from each other since the beginning of April. You will think that afterwards there were second thoughts, nostalgia and things like that, no! Instead, there was the feeling of having regained freedom. I’m not talking about the freedom to find another guy, I’m tired of these things, I’m talking about the freedom of not having to think about any guy, the freedom to be alone! 

He wasn’t a bad person, basically he behaved with me in a normal way, like so many guys do, but in the end we got together because we had the myth of the gay couple in mind. Before we started being together we thought our life was going to change, but it only changed because there were travels and weekends together, but once the early days of sex and what comes after is gone, if there is not any real reason for being together, coexistence, and even the partial one, begins to become boring. We ended up living in small the dynamics that a straight family lives in large, but without the children, of course. Mutual adaptations, small recriminations, huge wastes of time, extreme difficulty of combining our schedules in order to be able to spend some time together and then, when we could see each other, the embarrassment of not knowing what to say, because basically there was no serious reason to be together. 

I have wasted a lot of time with the university, but now I have started again in a great way and I see the university in just another way, before it was a place where you had to take exams but there was at least the possibility of going hunting for some cute colleague hoping he was gay, now there are only exams, I can say that that I feel vaccinated against the epidemics of easy falling in love. My faculty is predominantly male but there are girls and not very few, now I realize that they observe me and try to get in touch with me, one in particular, which is pretty and that, if I were straight, would be an interesting hyothesis to explore, but I’m not straight and I have to keep her at a distance to avoid unpleasant situations. 

Some guys offered me to study together, but I didn’t accept and I went back to studying on my own, at the end of the semester I passed the exams while they didn’t even show up. What happened to my emotional world? I still live with my parents, with them I don’t have clear relationships, that is, they don’t know about me but at least they are happy that I went back to studying, then I have a dog, but I should say a big and smart dog, a German shepherdess, who is young and which is truly one of the best things in my life. Friends like a friend of the heart I don’t have any, and I can say fortunately, friends for a trivial chat once in a while yes, there is someone, but they are not things that I really care about. 

Now I have to think about studying, to regain control of my life and I have to hurry up, because I want to go and live on my own. At my parents’ house I have no problems, they are very discreet people and they love me, but at a certain point the need for independence is felt. I want to live on my own, but in a house with only one bed and also a single one. I don’t want to receive anyone at my home. Maybe tomorrow I’ll change my mind, but I think that in order to change my mind, the effect of the anti-love vaccination should pass first. I see a lot of handsome guys but they don’t care about me and I don’t care about them. 

It will seem paradoxical to you but I would like to know how the relationships of many guys ended up who told on the forum of splendid beginnings and complex developments of their stories, but no one tells how these stories ended up, because in fact, objectively, the vast majority of stories end, some go on, some end really badly but most of them do not end neither well nor badly, they simply end, it is of these that I would like to know what happens next. Some people talk about black depression, frustration and stuff like that, but I think most of break ups are experienced as a release. 

I mentioned this talk with a gay friend, who, however, had his scheme in mind and told me that I was “basically” depressed and tried to console myself as in the story of the fox and the grapes, according to him the end of a story lasted years like mine must necessarily be a tragedy. He says it’s impossible that I want to simply put the guys aside anymore. I am not saying that I will put them aside for my whole life, I am just saying that now I have to take a vacation period from true or presumed falls in love. 

It sounds strange to gays that I’m not addicted to guys and sex, I have lived similar experiences, I don’t deny it, I have lived them with all the possible involvement, but then slowly they passed. If they’ll come back, they’ll come back in an attenuated form, like the flu for a vaccinated man. Experience serves to grow, to demystify. I don’t feel superior to those who take total crushes and want to live together because they expect happiness from those things, I just say that they are not things for me, I have tried them, but in the long run I have understood that you are perfectly fine even without them. 

I would be happy if you put this email in the forum because I would like to see if someone answers me and how they answer me and, if you like, tell me what you think.


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Hi Project,
I read your email, you say things that are right but very difficult to put into practice, I’m trying it because I also think it’s the only way: “understand my boyfriend’s weaknesses”. It is clear that he has a life of his own, he did not show up with a mask, he was honest with me and I – on this you are absolutely right – I used what he told me to devalue his image and not to try to understand him as I should have done. That is, he gave me weapons and I turned them against him. Honestly my behavior has been shabby. I didn’t try to identify with him but I judged him in a very stupid and superficial way. 

Anyway there is the risk that the attempt to understand is totally intellectualistic despite the good will, because basically these are things that I have never experienced and I can only understand from the outside. More than understanding, which perhaps isn’t even possible, I would like to be there for him. You talk about his weaknesses, but his are fears more than weaknesses. In this I certainly made a big mistake, I thought that he could not be afraid of anything and instead he may have been overwhelmed by deep, visceral emotional reactions, in the face of things he didn’t know, which he faced with a kind of fatalism that from the outside looked somehow cynical. 

In reality there was nothing cynical and I begin to understand what a disappointment it was for him to be somehow scolded by me, that is by a guy who basically hadn’t understood anything of what he was really going through. In this sense, yes, there are weaknesses, but on both sides.

Then I should also correct another attitude: I talk too much, let myself go to useless sermons that can be irritating and above all I put myself in an attitude of opposition. I try to juxtapose my attitude to his and to argue that mine is the right point of view. Basically I think that he has understood that I’m a little afraid of him, it’s a fear in the best possible sense, that is fear that my ways of doing, instead of creating a contact, can make him feel even more alone. 

I know I’m not the most important person for him, but I see that he still looks for me, especially in the most difficult moments and it is precisely in those moments that I go into crisis. When you love a guy, you end up afraid of him and this has happened to me too. I talk about his neuroses and I don’t see mine, but he sees them and when he points them out to me I stiffen in a defensive attitude. I have wondered a thousand times why he has never looked for a simple and tender couple relationship, I don’t mean with me but with anyone. He tells me it’s not true and that he looked for it but never found it. Perhaps it is difficult for me to understand the meaning of this statement because if he had sought an affectionate response from me I would have felt enthusiastic and I cannot understand how other guys could have not felt equally enthusiastic, evidently they didn’t love him enough. 

Once he said to me, “Do you remember what I went through? Don’t you?” Such a sentence makes me think a lot, because I tend to homologate him, to consider him similar to me but he is a completely different person, with a completely different past. Yesterday we talked for a while, he told me that he currently has six partners with whom he has sex, but that they are also his friends, with whom he spends days even without sex, he says that everyone knows that he is like this, that he doesn’t want too close relationships with anyone, because he would feel asphyxiated and would have the feeling of losing his freedom, he tells me that I’m obsessed by the idea that he is missing something, that is that he is missing the couple life, but he doesn’t want the couple life and he is fine like that. 

He told me about an ex-boyfriend of his, with whom he had a rather long affair, who has now a stable relationship with his new boyfriend. He is happy with this, but says that he is happy for his ex-boyfriend, who thus achieved what he wanted, but he would never want a life like that. He says these things but he also says he fell in love with one of those guys of his, who, however, didn’t like such kind of stories at all because he was afraid of losing his freedom and treated him very badly to shake him off, so he forced himself to pass over his falling in love and reduce contacts to just sex in order not to lose his partner. But all this suggests that at the beginning he tended to create relationships of an affective or nearly type, but that he then ended up adapting to the environment in one way or another, precisely in order not to be completely alone. 

He says he needs to change guys or at least he needs to feel free from couple burdens, that basically he has emotional relationships with his guys but such relationships are not exclusive and that he is fine this way. You say: “try to understand your boyfriend’s weaknesses!” Ok, but these are not weaknesses, they are just different, or at least apparently different ways of seeing life. Instinctively I think that he has adapted to that mentality, which was the mentality of the environment and that slowly he ended up assimilating it only because in fact he had no alternatives. I can understand that you can love at the same time more than a single guy but this basically means that you don’t love anyone of them, that is, that in your life there is not a really important person you can count on. 

He says that trusting in an emotional relationship means not being prepared for that blow that sooner or later they will give you anyway. That is, he takes it for granted that an emotional relationship must end in betrayal or abandonment and it must have happened to him in a very heavy way. How do you get vaccinated against treason? You have to putt it all on another level, erasing affectivity or detaching it from sexuality, as if all of this were ultimately an acceptable solution. When it comes to choices, it is one thing to choose a person or a behavior to carry out your own life plan, and a very different thing is to adapt, pretending to choose, in order not to be 100% out of the game. 

He says he doesn’t believe in emotional relationships but in fact he fears them, he is afraid of that terrible blow that according to him is inevitable, because everyone answered him negatively and froze him. I think that the gay environment, or rather a certain gay environment, has been deeply conditioning and has induced defensive behaviors tending to spread affectivity on various relationships, none of which really important and all centered only or above all on sex. 

At the end of the conversation he had to go to work and I told him that I would like to call him back in the evening, he replied that in the afternoon he had a birthday party and he would probably come home later, I didn’t know what to say and in the end he told me: “But you try to call all the same …” This is the maximum of affective dimension you can get from him. He doesn’t want addictions and obligations of any kind. You see, Project, it’s not me complicating things, it’s just that things are really complicated. Years go by and relationships remain on this level and I honestly don’t think they will change over time. 

Somehow what had happened between that friend of his who had replied negatively and him, is newly happening between him and me, practically I risk becoming addicted, and in the end I don’t even know what it means because the boundary between loving and being dependent is very blurred. I have had instincts to escape many times because I think that in the long run a relationship or better a non-relationship of this kind can be destructive even for me and can lead me to some form of emotional freezing, but I can’t really detach myself from him, sometimes when I succeed and we don’t hear from each other for a while I say to myself: “This time I did it!” Then he calls me and all good intentions fade and we inevitably start all over again, I think that in fact, in some respects at least, we are very similar, we never make a choice, we adapt, we go on by inertia and we call that inertia love, or sex, two words that seem different but in the end the first word is worth the second. 

I realize that I too risk becoming or at least sounding cynical, but I don’t know what to do, I would like everything and the opposite of everything, I would like to be useful to him at least in something and at the same time I would like to detach myself definitively, or at least so it seems to me, that then the story we tell ourselves inside our heads is all a schematization and it can be largely falsified by interpretations or a priori refusals we are not even are aware of. We should simplify everything, bring everything back to an instinctive response that perhaps once existed, several years ago, but has now been buried under a mountain of pseudo-psychological ruminations. We become victims of our own being too much talkative. 

I realize that I have a radically ambiguous attitude but I cannot get out of it, because certain things, even if you try to put them outside the door, are not finished anyway, they are too vivid memories, which need years and above all a radical change of life to be truly passed from the present to memory. He told me to try to call him in the evening anyway and I did, but the phone was off the hook and it sent me to the answering machine, maybe it was better this way, because basically I wouldn’t have known what to say. 

This stop like all those before will last for a while, then we will get in touch another time and the embarrassment will be very great again and I will end up adapting myself to accept the rule, that now seems to him his rule, the rule of low profile and disengagement, so that he may feel free and put aside the idea of permanently cut ties with me. History repeats itself! People change but the logic is always the same. Will this ever change? Thanks anyway for your email, I can see that you put your soul into it, but maybe you are too rational and don’t understand that ambiguity can become a way of life. In any case, if you answer me it makes me happy.


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Hi Project,
this morning I was reading the entry “Demographics of sexual orientation” on Wikipedia and I don’t hide the fact that I was strongly perplexed by the plurality and contradictory nature of the statistical data that should represent the homosexual population, we go from percentages of 0.7% to percentages above 15 % depending on the various areas but with enormous fluctuations related to the methods of detection, these are obviously data without any objective value, the only thing that is evident is that the LGBT population is afraid of exposing themselves even through a statistical questionnaire, the fear of a possible tracking is there anyway, despite the assurances of those who manage the statistical procedures and this means that discrimination exists and is still very heavy. I’m gay, I’m over 45 and I’m in charge of recruitment for a large international company. In Europe, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is not allowed and it is not even allowed that the employer can investigate aspects of the private life of employees, but anyway this happens, because employees are often naive. It is quite common for people who work with computers to have waiting breaks. Some company computers also allow generic internet access, when this doesn’t happen, it is not uncommon for employees to have their own PC that they can use, feeling relatively safe, by connecting to the Company’s internet. These people don’t know that company computer connections are all always tracked, if only to see how much time the employee has lost in activities that are essentially not related to his work, tracking allows you to know not only who used the internet from the company computer but also what he was looking for. But there is more, even the connections through the company internet made by a “non-company” PC are tracked, and even in this case the tracking procedure is not limited to measuring the time, let’s say, not worked by the employee but registers also his browsing. It is therefore possible not only to track the employee in terms of time actually worked, but even to build a personality profile of the employee starting from the “private” use of the internet during office hours. Over the past year and a half, with smart working the possibilities of control by the company have decreased, in the sense that private PCs are no longer connected to the company network and therefore are not traceable. Given the work I do, I know what the risks of using the internet “not for work” are in a business environment. I never bring anything private into the company offices, that is, not only do I not bring my private PC, but neither my smartphone and I have also invited other colleagues to do the same. On the outside it seems that these are advice given to increase work productivity and therefore my advice is at least theoretically justifiable, should anyone ever ask me for it. Monitoring internet use via the corporate network effectively bypasses or could circumvent privacy protection. The entrusting of well-paid positions and career progressions are linked to the “call” by the manager and I have often wondered on what criteria these calls are based, because in our environment the managers who matter you never see them, they are far from us, in another building and it is they who determine the choices and don’t have to motivate them, because for them only the result matters. Another thing must be kept in mind and it is almost always forgotten, in the company there are surveillance cameras, they are declared and have their own official reason, but through those cameras and programs for facial recognition that are basically rather banal, it is possible to track who speaks and with who and for how long and, perhaps even what they say. I don’t think there is anyone who spies for the pleasure of spying, but in the administrative offices and especially in the laboratories and in the technical departments of the company, information circulates that would be tempting to a lot of people and we have to consider that a gay, especially if he is one who counts, is a weak link in the chain because he can be more easily blackmailed and I had some inkling that such an event actually happened. In the company, I, personally, only talk about work, I go to have coffee alone at the internal bar during the break, I greet everyone in the same way and I don’t stop to talk to anyone. In my specific working environment there are about twenty people, and we are all “straight” including me! (paradoxical!) Since I’ve been working here, and it’s been several years now, I’ve never seen a gay guy, they were all straight perhaps “like me”! The others, who I think for the most part are really straight, have tried to involve me, they invited me to their houses, but I never went. You might tell me I’m paranoid, but I might find myself in awkward situations and being labeled is very easy. I specify that I’m not closed in on myself, I have my small group of real friends, who are mostly gay, but they are all people who have nothing to do with my work and are not even from my city, to see them I take the train and I move to a nearby city. Basically I spend all my weekends in that city and that’s my real life. There are those who think that gays are all a little neurotic and a lot complicated because of the fact of feeling victims, but those who think so don’t realize how stressful being gay can be, not in itself but for the fact that you are not allowed to be yourself and you feel continuously observed. The fear of being labeled is indeed there because being labeled involves being discriminated against, often in such a sneaky and subtle way that it is also difficult to realize it and when even one realizes it, in reality he cannot do anything, because discriminations for reasons related to sexual orientation are practically always hidden under other cover reasons. I would love to be myself, but it is objectively risky. Everyone would tell me it’s not true, but the fact that my colleagues are all straight (!) speaks volumes. Believe me, Project, I have no persecution complexes and have never found myself in situations of discrimination for being gay, but it didn’t happen not because my environment doesn’t discriminate but because I’m formally straight if this were not the case, there would be certainly discrimination. Lately I have been entrusted with the very delicate task of interviewing those who could be hired, I’m not speaking of illiterate people but of graduated and highly specialized guys, among other things they are almost all men, with some of them an instinctive sympathy is created even just looking into each other eyes. To avoid any form of involvement, I follow a standard interview, always and only on strictly technical content, there are also, necessarily, because it cannot be done without, questions relating to previous employment relationships and the levels of collaboration between Colleagues. There are guys who trust the business environment a lot and would be willing to talk a little more openly during the interview, but it is an unconsciously self-destructive tendency and I always try to stop them by premising that they must respond strictly to the questions, without broadening the discussion, and this serves to evaluate the skills of self-control. Since the outcome of the interview can be decisive for the recruitment and I wouldn’t in any way want to weigh in one way or the other for reasons unrelated to the selection criteria, I ask the guys to write down their answers on the questionnaire in a summary way, so that it remains an objective document. A while ago, one of the new hires I had interviewed looked for me because he wanted to talk to me but I didn’t receive him, because if I did, it would be noticed by his colleagues and executives. He was very upset because he didn’t understand the meaning of my refusal. I couldn’t look for him to apologize to him. I met him a few days later by chance and in a very short time I clarified the reason for my behavior, he wanted to talk to me, I said to him: “Not here, if you can get there, I’ll see you on Sunday morning at 9.00 on platform 5 of the station [omitted], he just said “Ok”. On Sunday morning we met and I pointed out that a company like the one we work in is not the home of freedom and that prudence is never enough. With this guy (an engineer) we understood each other immediately and there was no need to give too many explanations, we basically only talked about the company but I think that it was just a cover story. We discussed calmly and reasoning on every even minor issue. No need to say that we ended up agreeing on everything and obviously on the opportunity of keeping our conversation at the level of maximum confidentiality. The young engineer is a handsome guy, I can’t deny it, but he’s 20 years younger than me and I feel a bit like a tutor who has to teach him not to get into trouble. I don’t know if he’s gay, but looking at it, I think it’s at least very likely. How did he detect me I don’t know. We only met at the interview and I behaved with him in the standard way, that is, as I always behave with all those who do the interview. Even for that boy having clear ideas on how to survive in that environment can be useful, because he will have to keep a behavior always controlled and this is stressful. If instead of finding me he had found someone else, with his will to speak he would have burned himself immediately. I have lived in such a climate for years and have learned to clearly distinguish my private from the work environment. I’m aware that there are completely different environments, where a friendship with colleagues is also possible, but not everywhere. With the young engineer, when we meet in the company, just a minimum wave of greeting is enough. Outside the company we haven’t had a chance to talk anymore, but I think it will happen again sooner or later.


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